03 January 2010

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2010! It'll be a big start to the year for the North Brisbane CRAG, with plenty on the agenda. We'll be doing our first annual tally of members' annual emissions, which will be very interesting - who will have made their target and who will have missed it?!? We will also be working out who will be the beneficiary of the funds that we raise through penalties paid by those who've missed their targets. We are looking to identify a community group on the north side that we can help to reduce their emissions. If you've got any ideas, let me know!

The other big question for the group will be to decide a target for 2010. Do we go for another 20% reduction? Or start to ease back? And how will we be able to reduce emissions while enjoying overseas and interstate holidays? Stay tuned for the answers to all these questions, and more! Or better still, come along to our next meeting...

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